
5 Reasons Retailers Need an OMS

Why do you need an order management system? Consider the following facts:

  • 69% of online shoppers will move to your competitors’ sites if what they are looking for is unavailable in your stock online
  • 55% of in-store shoppers switch to a business’s competitors if the product they are looking for is out of stock
  • 64% of all shoppers thought that retailers should do more to facilitate sustainable delivery and fulfillment

As more brands focus their efforts on the customer, failing to implement an effective OMS means a high likelihood of falling behind on maximizing the productivity of your business.

Here are the main reasons why every retailer needs an OMS.

1. Promote convenience

The seemingly endless tiresome processes of running a business can have a toll on you or your employees, especially if done back to back. An OMS for eCommerce makes life easier for retailers by automating the more complex tasks of order management.

When you use a top-quality retail order management software solution from a leading provider like Deck Commerce, you can free up more resources and devote them to increasing the convenience of your online shop for customers.

2. Process orders faster

Customers expect a smooth experience when shopping online. They should be able to do so from any location and have the package delivered to the destination of choice. If you have inventory management issues or encounter faults when processing transactions, that will hurt delivery efficacy. 

You can solve your concerns by introducing an OMS and pairing it with a shipping service. Since an OMS is capable of creating shipping labels for orders and sending them to the fulfillment center, you will send the right items to your customers while being time-effective.

3. View all marketplaces from a single point

If you have several marketplaces and a variety of couriers, you may encounter some difficulties keeping track of orders and how they are being processed. An OMS provides a solution to this challenge by displaying all your marketplaces and couriers in a single location.

That way, you never have to miss anything, and you’ll have full control of your business.

4. Identify bestsellers fast

An order management system is capable of organizing all the statistics and insights of your online shop. That way, you can have a clear picture of market popularity, product popularity, and other major insights that will help you make important business decisions.

With the information that you source from the OMS, you can decide where to throw in more stock or attention, as well as take action to protect your business from unforeseen market conditions.

5. Process orders automatically, 24/7/365

Delayed and canceled orders are among the leading reasons for customers to abandon orders or switch to a different retailer. Having an OMS makes sure that your marketplace is “staffed” even though you’re not physically present.

When customers send in orders after you step away from your computer, these orders will continue to be processed automatically. And if you’ve connected your OMS with a fulfillment house, the order’s information is automatically sent to them, allowing for speedier processing and delivery.

There you have it

These are only five of the top reasons for adopting an OMS for your business, but there’s more. While an OMS will not grow your business magically, it will set the right conditions for you to focus on improving your services and be more competitive.

You will enjoy a solid reputation and come up as a reliable, customer-centric retailer.

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