
GE Dishwasher Not Draining: How to Fix?

Dishwashers are a Godsend, aren’t they? They help us, kind of, avoid the menial and draining task of doing our dishes after we’ve enjoyed a fulfilling meal.

Am I wrong?

So when our dishwasher stops working or starts doing something funny instead of doing its job, it can be pretty concerning.

Can’t get back to doing the dishes yourself, can you? So do you want to know how to fix your GE dishwasher not draining issue?

How can you fix this issue without even knowing what is creating the problem in the first place?

Don’t you worry!

I’ll tell you what might be the problem and how you can fix the issue of your GE dishwasher not draining.

Garbage Disposal and Drain Pipe

If you find your GE dishwasher not draining, it could lead up to a mess of unwashed dishes in your kitchen.

So the first thing you should do about it is check the garbage disposal and the drain pipe instead of looking at the dishwasher itself.

Why so?

If the drain pipe of your dishwasher is clogged, and this pipe is linked to your garbage disposal, that could be the reason for your drainage issue.

So you have to take apart your drain hose to clean the drain tube of your garbage disposal, which might fix your problem.

High Loop and Air Gap

If the hose isn’t linked to your garbage disposal, it’s connected to the air gap or located under your sink in a high loop.

Both of these things stop your wastewater from going back to your dishwasher. Not if your air gap is somehow clogged or the hose is no longer located in that high loop, this might be the cause.

What now?

You can take apart the cap and cover of your air gap to clean it or loop the hose back to its position under your sink. This should sort out your drainage issue!

Sump and Filter

Your GE dishwasher might have a removable filter installed, which you can remove to clean your drain pump’s debris.

This filter is usually found near the sump assembly or the dishwasher tub, which you should also check for any sign of clogging.

Drain Hose

Your drainage issue might not just be because of your drain hose being clogged. This drain hose might also get twisted up and cause this.

Untwist it!

If it wasn’t twisted, you might have to clean up the drain hose properly after removing it from under your sink. Use pliers or a drain snake tool if you need to!

You can try another method to clean the hose, which is by putting the end of it in a big bucket and running a short wash cycle.

Drain Pump

If the drain pipe, hose, or even the filter isn’t the problem, it could be a defective drain pump causing this because of either an electrical or mechanical motor fault.

Mechanical fault means a damaged impeller or clogged pump. So check for damage and replace it if you need to. And for an electrical fault, check with a multimeter and replace it if it’s faulty. 

Drain Solenoid

Your GE dishwasher’s drain solenoid is designed to open up your drain valve to let the water drain out. If this fails, the valve won’t open up, and you will have a drainage issue on your hand.

You can check if it’s working with your multimeter and replace it if it is, indeed, faulty.


Your GE dishwasher not draining issue can be the cause of a clogged drain hose, pipe, or filter. Or it could be because of a faulty drain pump or solenoid, among other causes. You need to find out what exactly is causing it to fix the issue.

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